02 9745 4611


Treatments and services we provide every day:

  • Treatment for all types of callus, corns and warts
  • Treatment for ingrowing toenails (simple cutting, nail bracing, minor-surgical)
  • Prescribe custom made foot orthoses for painful feet
  • Foot assessments for children and adults
  • Exercise and stretching programs
  • Supply selection of pre-made foot supports
  • Footwear assessments and advice
  • Treatment for Veteran Affairs clients
  • Footwear prescription for Veteran Affairs clients
  • ENABLE application for chronic foot deformity
  • Medico-Legal reports
  • Medicare Enhanced primary care plans (EPCs) are accepted from your doctor however there is a small additional fee
  • HICAPS – instant Health Fund Rebates available

Swift Microwave therapy for verruca lesions

What is Swift? Microwave Therapy for Verruca Lesions

Swift Microwave Therapy is a non-invasive and highly effective treatment option for skin lesions such as warts, papillomas or verrucae.

What do I need to do after treatment?

Generally, no care is required after Swift Microwave Therapy and you can carry on with your day as normal.

In few cases, a superficial blister may appear. If this occurs, you may contact your Swift Healthcare Professional who can advise you on what action to take. Usually, the intact blister can be left alone. In rare cases, discomfort may persist for several days after treatment. If you notice a break in the skin, apply a topical antiseptic; cover the area with a dressing and contact your Swift Healthcare Professional for further advice.

What to expect after treatment

It is unlikely that you will see any changes in the appearance of the lesion immediately after treatment.
It is normal to take a week or even months before noticing any transformation, as the wart will resolve from the base of the lesion and not the surface. Small black dots may appear; this is a good sign that your immune system is responding to treatment.

My wart is looking worse after treatment!

If you start to notice that the wart is larger or that more warts have appeared, don’t be alarmed. This is a positive sign that the wart is responding. It is likely that you are now noticing more warts than before as they have become darker or that the deep warts are starting to break through the skin. Warts will generally look worse before they start to resolve.

How long will it take to resolve?

Patience is key! Time taken for your wart to resolve can range from 6 weeks to 9 months after treatment.
On average it takes 80 days to resolve. There is no way of determining how quickly your immune system will respond to treatment.

This can be dependant on:

  • Your age
  • Your overall health
  • The type of HPV infection
  • How long you have had the infection

Let your Swift Healthcare Professional know if any of the following relate to you personal health:

  • Diabetes
  • Numbness or tingling in the feet
  • Peripheral vascular disease or poor blood flow to feet
  • History of serious or recurrent infections such as cellulitis
  • Any condition that effects your immune system
  • Pregnancy
  • Metal Implants, Internal defibrillator or pacemaker device fitted

Ask your Swift Healthcare Professional if you have any other questions about Swift Microwave Therapy.